
High School International

For High Schools and English teachers who really care about the future of their Students and wish to extend their training offer, at no cost!







You could, by creating an educational project with us, allow Students to send their application to any of the workplaces on our Work Placement marketplace. As explained herein to students too, you could extend the work experience options from only non-for-profit organisations (working as volunteers) to any. For example: graphic design studio, event organisation, teacher assistant in nursery schools and primary schools, to name some which would otherwise be precluded. See here under all the paperwork we provide.

How possible?

Like Gmail ® .. We do it for free to have the opportunity to advertise other products and services.

Contact us for free counselling and services!



We arrange personalised and individual experiences, as described in our "More info" page, even in a group, each student independently chooses if to work full time, or part time and enjoy some other options, or not to work. Our School Houses offer lessons, afternoon CLIL activities. Students could decide to spend some free time visiting or perhaps signing up at a local sports centre or enjoying their School House full time!

This is not like any other “Study Holiday” you have seen so far!

In our More info for Students and Parents page, you may see how the services are introduced.



For Student Guests over 16 years of age on their first day of work, we have created an emulated labour marketplace dedicated to Work Placements for EU students, in full compliance with EU and UK law on Curricular Traineeships.

The direct matching between students, led by their Internal Tutors, and employers, with the possibility of viewing profiles and carrying out job interviews in compliance with privacy thanks to our internal messaging and safety procedures, has proven to be optimal. Motivated students actively propose themselves in providing the service requested by the Work Tutors, as they themselves describe on this ad hoc Work Placements marketplace.

This is fully compliant: we do not “send students” or arrange for them!



We also provide free counselling and all the paperwork necessary to obtain a collective group passport which can zero the cost and the bureaucratic burden on students and parents (unlike individual passports). The necessary procedure and ready-made documents will be shared with schools arranging a group.

See our page dedicated to Collective Group Passports



We offer in introductory meeting in person to Parents and Students, an e-meeting for those who couldn’t assist it; e-meetings for those interested, valid as training and formation, to explain how to make a profile, find work experience and manage the paperwork; training for Internal Tutors; a further meeting before departure for last Q&As and a feedback meeting for continuous improvements. We provide information, instructions and training to all parties involved, at every step.

We will arrange Work Placements, under every aspect, for you and your students, for free.



Last but not least, we offer discounts when a school decides to participate, further discounts and free of charge stays when a group is arranged, even higher when we groups are for both Work Placement and Over 14 year old students where all costs may be covered or even a profit made (for private institutions).

Contact us for a dedicated quote!







We have all the paperwork necessary to arrange Work placements for Italian and Spanish students going to the UK and Ireland. This documentation, which includes agreements/conventions between the school and the hosting organisation as well as the individual project, as well as register and compulsory evaluation forms - all automatically pre-compiled and ready for signatures, alongside  risk assessments and any other extra documents wherever required. All part of our free of charge counselling.

All sorted out and ready for your Secondary Senior School at no cost..

Any additional costs will be borne by students/parents who will be informed before proceeding, such as: the cost of requesting a criminal record; passport; ETA etc.


On top of what is required for placements in the EU and UK, we provide the necessary documentation for the host organization in the UK and Ireland, or provide information on how to obtain it when requested to parents and students, and we also provide the necessary documentation required for parental permission to do their experience abroad.

We take care of all the details, again free of charge for the Secondary School.



We will inform, train and assist your school, your School Tutor (the figure relating to our company for each Work Placement) and your students all along: from providing information, training on how to complete one’s profile and to choose and find a Work Placement, to during their stay and till their back.

It is, once more, part of the free of charge services



All students on Curricular Traineeships are covered by the Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance.of the Hosting Organization, alongside any extra coverage by the school. A participating school could make incomparable experiences possible.

We have a dedicated page on worker’s, third party, and National Health Service insurances.



We offer experiences valid as Work Placements (PCTO) for free to Participating High Schools, without the need to purchase any other services. We charge others, we are a private company registered as “Education support services', there is nothing wrong with making a profit for us.

It is illegal for public schools or workers to charge students when arranging  Work Placements as curricular activities, offering them together with services at a cost which must be paid for, is formally incorrect and disputable.

We have models ready for you, of all the paperwork necessary, in the EU and in the UK to make use of our services after looking for possible competitors through a transparent public tender..







Many Secondary Education Institutions have actively participated, from technical schools to lyceums, with individual or group departures. We have managed over a 100 groups so far. Some schools have simply made use of our free counsellings, some arranged groups through a direct assignment, others through public tenders. See under how to participate.



See appreciation of our services: Here is a link to video interviews with Work Tutors, School Teachers, Students and representatives, here a link to older interviews, which includes a link to a newspaper article about us, here with pics too and other video interviews.

We could arrange a call with a teacher or a school representative with you



The headmasters of a school we work with wanted to certify references with official declarations by headmasters themselves. This is the list of those who agreed to publicly declare they were satisfied with the services provided by us. We look forward to adding your school to the list





Simply add your high School data to our website, when a student’s application is accepted, the system will generate the documentation precompiled and ready for signature according to country of origin and destination. We currently cover these cases: Italian student on a Work Placement or experiences valid as such in the UK Italian student on a Work Placement, or experiences valid as such, in Ireland (only individual departures) Spanish student on a Work Placement, or experiences valid as such, in the UK; Spanish student on a Work Placement,  or experiences valid as such, in Ireland (only individual departures)

Add your School Data directly, or ask for a meeting



We can arrange individual departures for Over 16 and group departures for Over 14 year old students (which includes the first). They can all travel together.

If you arrange a group for students on Work Placements with a School Tutor, we offer the opportunity of a gratuitous stay (full board accommodation) for a teacher or full expense coverage if the teacher accompanies your 14 and 15 year old students.

On top of this we offer a further discount to students on the cost of paid service. For private institutions or teachers it is possible to make a profit when organising a group.

To arrange a group please contact us, we must check availability.



In both senses:

- free of charge, no matter the number of participants!

Unlike “traditional study holiday” providers, where a minimum of 10 or 15 students enrolled is required to have such gratuity (full board accommodation), we prefer to leave our partnering schools free of worries and offer it to participating schools who organise a group..

We offer this gratuity regardless of the number of participants.

- free to enjoy their stay, teachers don’t have to meet students during their stay!

Unlike teachers, who on “traditional study holidays” are responsible for headcount in the morning, afternoon and evening activities; an assistant to local group leaders in trips and other group activities (All of which force students of the group to meet and stay together thus speaking their native language!).

With us teachers are together with the students of the group only on the flight to Nottingham, until pick up point, where students are taken by their respective School House hosts, they have to meet again only the last day at the drop off point. Each student has his/her own School House, with their individual plan, weekend day activity and so on, and Workplace.




For 14/15 year old students, the teacher accompanies the students, and is thus responsible for them while on the flight there and back. The School House Host is the person responsible, as "In Loco Parentis" according to British law, of the students from the moment they collect them at pick up point to the moment they take them back the last day to the drop off point. 


For Over 16 year old students on Work Placements, when and if defined by their secondary schools, the teacher's responsibilities arises from their role as "School Internal Tutor", which briefly means: they are involved in case a student has issues with their work placement, in which case they would be fully assisted by us anyway and would just have to write (sign , when made by us) a report of what happened.


Nothing prevents teachers from choosing to make use of all our services: trying part-time work experience, an individual language course with the host, sports or visiting in their free time, just like the paying students. Learn in a Flash!





These are the prices of the paid services offered to Student Guests (of all ages, not only school students), alongside the estimated extra likely and unlikely costs associated with the experience of those who do not have an exchange student, friend or relative, where to go to and have free full board and accommodation.

We offer discounts

- when a school decides to participate,

- when we arrange a group, as well as free of charge stays

- when we arrange groups for both Work Placement and Over 14 year old students, where all costs may be covered  On top of this we offer a discount to students on the cost of paid services.


For private institutions or teachers it is possible to make a profit when organising a group or an individual departure.



We are available to explain in person in detail and to make a deal directly with you.

Contact us, specifying what country you require assistance for: Italy, Spain, The United Kingdom