


In short we have insurance against injuries and damage to third parties for all work experiences, additional coverage for students of the three-year period.

National health insurance coverage for EU and UK Student Guests (not in the USA).

Constant remote and on-site assistance, in addition to the guarantee provided by host families who, by law, act as “in loco parentis” (parental responsibility) for minors.



Given official www.gov.uk resources post “Brexit” (guide for providers and in particular 16 to 19 study programmes guidance)

ABI has also clearly stated:

“The insurance industry has agreed that students on work experience placements should be treated as employees for the purposes of insurance.

An employer, or voluntary sector organisation, that has Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance cover already, does not need to buy additional cover.”


Furthermore as suggested by the Health and Safety Executive we are not going to ask for any further sensible data. Organisations ought to communicate to their Insurance Company they are taking on a student when they are going to stay for three or more weeks, according to ABI, but no extra premium ought to be paid. This menas work experiences under 3 weeks need no  communication to indsurance companies.


In our case we have students coming over on Curricular Traineeships, proper work experience school projects, availed by Headmaster, School Tutor, Students, Parents and by hosting organisations with a Work Tutor.

In conclusion, with a Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance, all our Organisations may take on students because on regular Work Placements.



The UK and European countries, post Brexit, quickly settled the most important aspects of people living and moving between countries.


In the EU and in the UK, if you are a citizen, your national health insurance has you covered, unlike for the USA, rember to carry your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)



Classical travel insurances, with more or less complete packages, may be bought together with the flight tickets at very reasonable prices.

More complete packages though specialised insurance companies.

Flight companies usually make an offer when you buy the ticket and insurance companies ask to buy one when you buy your flight or some time before departure.



We have you covered in all circumstances. Included in the price you have our assistance for the services we offer (in short: problems at Work or with your School House).

For any other issue, we are here to help to guarantee a safe experience to you and your children.

An example: for minors to lose their passport would require the assistance of an adult to get a temporary travel document, all will be seen to.

Extra assistance, travel to the consulate for both, taxes/duties and expenses come at a cost (no profits are levied on this!).