Depending on your high school, we may organise a Curricular Traineeship (valid for EU and UK secondary senior schools) or, in the event that your high school does not participate in our International Work Experience Program - Learn in a Flash, we can still organise unpaid work experience in a charity.
Over 40 High Schools have already participated in our International Work Experience program - Learn in a Flash - as we comply with EU and UK laws on work experience, Curricular Traineeships and accommodation rules for under 18s.
If you are a high school student over the age of 16 and would like to do a Curricular Traineeship abroad with us, we will help you inform your School Tutor and the head of the work experience department in your High School about how our program works and the benefit to their school too.
In this case you may apply for any job you see on our portal, from one you may choose to relate to people, to the more skill specific roles meant for specific students, from a general duties work to an ad hoc project. Many students apply to charities anyway, but these experiences would count towards the hours you ought to do for your work based learning experience credits.
Remember that if your Higher Institute does not want to participate you can still have this excellent experience with us by working in non-profit organisations (in a charity - see previous point). For example, we have many clothing stores, some specialising in books, furniture; but also bars, museums and centres for the elderly. We have placements in Nottingham, London and Dublin.
Although a Charity Shop is a non-profit organisation, it aims to raise as many funds as possible to reinvest in its organisation, it is therefore run as a pro-profit shop and you will have a work experience that, in fact, can be even more complex than in a normal shop: with volunteer management, used and new goods, fundraising, and so on as well.
In Italy: Alternanza Scuola Lavoro / PCTO
In Ireland: TY - Transition Year
In the UK: Work Based Learning / Work Related Learning
The organisations that have joined our initiative offer work experiences which, thanks to our portal and our setup, become valid Curricular Traineeships in the European Union and in the United Kingdom. They are real jobs in all kinds of sectors, not workshops or simple company visits but with people doing their job. There is the possibility of doing a Curricular Traineeship through a participating high school. Many possibilities, including: shops, bars and schools but also jobs in offices, as graphic designers, in studios, art galleries, museums and much more. In Nottingham, London and Dublin.
See our dedicated webpage where we show assistance and insurance coverage