College or School House?
Speaking ... in a College Vs. in a School House?
Before starting lessons,
in a College, meaning in traditional study holidays: your group's native language (or foreigner's English at best)

in a School House: with British people

In the classroom
In a College: Italian in the classroom, foreigners at best, in big groups.

In a School House: with British speakers, your individual lesson or activity

On day outings
In a College: your group's language, in an herd style

In a School House: see British lifestyle, a weekend day with your British family

Afternoon activities
In a College: again your group's languge, even more likely than in a classroom.

In a School House, working, doing sports or taking free time: British teacher, Work Tutor (your boss), staff, clients, other users all local people

At the table
In a College: your group's language, again

In a School House: with your family and eventually a foreign student (max three)
We guarantee no other co-nationals at home or work!

In a Residence
In a College: your group's language, again, often your roommate. If at a host family.. it depends on the family.

In a Schol House: British family, perhaps foreign students but no co-nationals!
Our service is centred among them, thus we really care about the quality.

Summing up
In a College: scarse choice and information, take the whole package

In a School House, with us: yout individual plan, even when departing in a group
In a School House you.. Learn new English accents!